Local Elementary School Turtle Pond Renovated with Georgia Aquarium Help
Clarkdale Elementary School in Austell, Ga. has a newly renovated feature for students and faculty – a turtle pond featuring native Georgia freshwater turtles. Alongside the help of a few aquarists from neighboring Georgia Aquarium and Paradise Ponds and Waterfalls, the pond was reconstructed, and the turtles’ home was revived. The pond and its turtles have been a feature at Clarkdale Elementary for several years. It serves as a tranquil spot and visual and tactile learning aid for students about ecosystems and aquatic animals.

On Friday, February 28, 2020, Clarkdale Elementary students, faculty, and Cobb County Schools administrators unveiled the new turtle pond with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. A plaque was also dedicated to Georgia Aquarium and Paradise Ponds and Waterfalls as a thank-you for their work.

Through its Sponsored Education Admissions (SEA) Program, the Aquarium supplied the 4th grade class with free admission for a future field trip to the Aquarium. To learn more about Georgia Aquarium’s SEA Program, please click here.

Georgia Aquarium and Paradise Ponds and Waterafalls, donated their time and materials to help Clarkdale and its turtle pond to ensure its students will continue to learn about freshwater ecosystems and the animals in our waterways.
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This article was published on: March 2, 2020