Conservation & Research

Corals Need Our Help

This summer has seen rising temperatures, both on land and in the water. The rising temperature of the ocean’s waters can be damaging to many species, including coral reefs. Rising water temperatures can also lead to coral bleaching (the process where corals are stressed by changes in their environment and expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white). Corals rely on these symbiotic algae for nutrition, without them they are exposed to disease and death.


Georgia Aquarium has been actively involved in coral restoration and conservation since 2010.

Partnering with organizations like the Coral Restoration Foundation to aid in their efforts to effectively grow coral fragments in an underwater nursery near Molasses Reef in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The Aquarium recently partnered with the Coral Restoration Foundation on the creation of a “Coral Bus”. This cutting-edge system is the first of its kind and was designed to assist with the transport of nursery-raised corals to their new homes within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.


Georgia Aquarium also joined the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Florida Reef Tract Rescue Project in 2018.

This project is a major undertaking by zoos and aquariums across the nation. Select facilities are working with federal and state agencies to save susceptible coral species along the Florida Reef Tract. Since March 2019, nearly 2000 corals have been placed in 19 facilities managed by AZA-accredited institutions across 12 states – including Georgia Aquarium. As a part of this project, Aquarium staff have been involved in rescuing and housing coral to reintroduce back into the ocean and repopulate the reefs that have been devastated by disease and coral bleaching. It may be quite some time until the ocean is healthy enough to support these corals, but the Aquarium is dedicated to their care until that time.


Coral reefs play a huge role in our ocean’s ecosystem, supporting nearly 25% of all marine life. Coral reefs also protect our coastlines from storms and erosion, provide jobs for local communities, and support global fishing industries. Georgia Aquarium is undoubtedly dedicated to the conservation of coral. By caring for them in Atlanta, assisting organizations in Florida, and propagating existing coral from our exhibits to learn from them we continue to understand ways to protect these incredible animals.


Want to get involved? There are a few things you can do to help save our ocean’s coral:

  • Be sure to use reef-friendly sunscreen.
  • Recycle and dispose of trash properly.
  • Use less impactful modes of transportation.
  • Practice safe and responsible diving and snorkeling.
  • Save energy at home and at work; reduce your carbon emissions wherever and whenever you can.
  • Lastly – spread the word!


Remember: coral is an animal, not a plant! do not touch or remove corals if you see them in the ocean!


To learn more about Georgia Aquarium’s efforts to save coral, please visit our website.


Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram and TikTok.


Georgia Aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world with more than 11 million gallons of water and tens of thousands of animals. Located in Atlanta, Ga., it is a premier animal care and research facility that is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquarium, the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Attractions, Humane Certified by American Humane, and a Class R research institution certified by the USDA. By providing guests with unparalleled opportunities to learn about marine life, Georgia Aquarium is dedicated to unlocking the ocean’s wonder for all, providing transformative experiences that inspire a shared responsibility for conserving our aquatic ecosystems.

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