Web Resources
ALERT: We're open 9 AM–3 PM on Tuesday, January 21, and 12–6 PM on Wednesday, January 22.
Federal, State & Nonprofit Organizations
- Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary
Gray’s Reef is the only protected natural reef area on the continental shelf off the Georgia coast.
- NOAA Research Activities
Contains a variety of ocean related teacher resources.
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
This is a portal for educator resources and products about the ocean.
- NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program
Contains coral reef conservation resources including videos.
- NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration
Okeanos Explorer Program – underwater video footage of various marine topics, web resources, lessons, research expeditions.
- Environmental Protection Agency Water Resources
Resources available for all grade levels on a variety of water related topics including the Water Sourcebooks.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory
The Wetlands Mapper integrates digital map data with other resource information to produce timely and relevant management and decision support tools.
- U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources
The USGS water science program includes lessons and resources at all grade levels over many water related topics.
- Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Numerous resources including facts sheet about Georgia wildlife, teacher resources such as Project WET and Project Wild, and community based programming and camps, Rivers Alive and Georgia Adopt-a-Stream.
- Georgia Sea Turtle Center
Sea turtle rehabilitation, research and education programs.
- Environmental Education in Georgia
Online clearing house of environmental education resources in Georgia.
- Ocean Adventures
The themes of Adaptations, Ecosystems and Human Impact are interwoven throughout the Ocean Adventures episodes and educational materials.
- Smithsonian Learning Labs
Interdisciplinary marine science activities
- Oceanography from NASA
Information about how NASA uses satellite data to study the oceans.