Experience Georgia Aquarium in Your Classroom

Georgia Aquarium is excited to offer educators a chance to explore the aquarium from inside their own classroom or virtually at home. Come dive in with your students for an educational and fun virtual experience!

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Virtual Field Trips

Educator Open House 2021 1

Grades K-2

Grades K-2

Nothing but Needs

What factors identify an organism as living and what are the basic needs for the organism to stay alive? Students will explore the difference between non-living things and living organisms. Additionally, students will examine Georgia Aquarium’s living collection to determine the basic needs of plants and animals!

Standards: SKL1a, S1L1b, S2P1a, K-LS1-1

Growing Aquatic

How are animals visually different during the different stages of their lives? Students will investigate different life cycles with examples from our living collection. Additionally, students will discover how organisms can be grouped based on different physical properties and reactions to light.

Standards: SKL2c, S1P1b, S2L1a, 2-LS4-1

Hunting Hijinks

Each shark species has different physical attributes, they all move and hunt in unique ways. Students will explore those physical attributes and forces of motion among the sharks as well as explore the importance of how they use magnetism as a tool for navigation in the ocean!

Standards: SKP2a, S1P2b, S2P2a, K-PS2-1

Grades 3-5

Grades 3-5

Amazingly Adaptive

Animals are amazing because each species has physically and behaviorally changed to best fit into the environment that they live in. How exactly have animals adapted over time in order to survive in their ecosystem? Why can puffins fly, but penguins can’t? What exactly makes our alligators all white and how does it impact them in the wild? Students will observe different kinds of physical, behavioral adaptations, animals have developed.

Standards: S3L1b, S4P3b, S5L2a, S5L4a, 3-LS4-3

Improving Impacts

How is human impact both a positive and negative force for the planet and what are specific examples of it? Students will uncover how humans have impacted the planet from microorganisms to alligators for both good and bad. By the end of the program, students will be left with methods on how to not only appropriately dispose of their waste, but how to minimize the amount of waste as well.

Standards: S3L2a, S4L1c, S5L4a, 5-ESS3-1

Shark-centric Food

Sharks are amazing creatures that play a vital role in the ocean ecosystem. Throughout time sharks have been given a bad reputation for being man eaters due to the misconception of attacks on humans. This misleading information has made shark populations drop dramatically over the years from illegal hunting and by-catching from humans. By the end of this program, students will be able to understand how sharks are imperative to the ecosystem.

Standards: S3E2, S4L1, S5E1, 5-LS2-1

Grades 6-8

Grades 6-8

How Sharks Work

Students will assess the unique body systems of sharks and rays and how they help them be apex predators in their environments. Students will compare the skeletal composition of sharks and rays to their own, while discovering sensory organs that have electromagnetic reception!

Standards: S6E3a, S7L2c, S8P5a, MS-LS1-3

Changing Currents

Ocean currents are moved around the plant predictably by gravity and wind and help contribute to our global climate. Everything on Earth depends on the harmonious movement of the currents including the smallest microorganisms. Students will consider how currents are formed and how they directly affect microorganisms, which in turn affects marine food webs.

Standards: S6E3d, S7L3b, S8P2d, MS-ESS2-4

Taxonomic Shark Teeth

Shark bones are made of cartilage instead of calcium. Because of this cartilage, sharks decompose quickly, leaving nothing behind to develop into a fossil. Shark teeth are a different story. Because they are made of calcium, they do not decompose as quickly and are more commonly fossilized. This program will discuss how scientists can identify shark species, current and extinct, by just their teeth!

Standards: S6E5g, S7L1a, S8P3a, MS-LS4-1

Grades 9-12

Grades 9-12

Traversing Technology

How has technology developed to help humans understand marine environments? Our planet is mostly made of water and yet, humans know less about our own oceans than we do about our solar system. In this program, students will observe some of these tools and analyze their purpose for ocean exploration.

Standards: SO1b, SB5d, HS-ESS3-4

Oceanic Occupations

What kind of background or degree is needed to obtain various careers at Georgia Aquarium? Students will explore a variety of career pathways one can follow here at Georgia Aquarium. Dive deep beneath the waves and explore how animal care specialists, chemists, engineers and nutritionists keep the Aquarium afloat!

Standards: SZ5, SSPFL4, AC-FPPS-7, HUM-FNW-3, AFNR-VS-8, AFNR-VS-11

Predator Pressures

Sharks play a major role in maintaining aquatic ecosystems by altering other animals’ behavior as well as consuming sick or elderly animals. Students will relate abiotic and biotic, notably sharks, influence on the health of these wonderful ecosystems.

Standards: SO3d, SEC3d, HS-LS2-6

Live Virtual Outreach

Educator Open House 2021 2

Grades K-2

Grades K-2

Turtle Talks

Did you know that a turtle lives in water, and a tortoise lives on land? Each species has a unique diet and characteristics that allow them to survive in these habitats. Students will describe the differences between turtles and tortoises by observing shells and skulls and brainstorm ways to keep the environment clean and safe for these animals.

Standards: SKL2a, S1P1b, S2E3b, K-ESS3-3

Under the Sea

Take a dive under the sea to explore the five zones of our oceans. Each zone creates a diverse habitat based on the amount of sunlight it receives, and animals have been able to find ways to survive in these unique conditions. In this program, students will identify the five zones of the ocean and discover the amazing animals and plants found in each one.

Standards: SKL1a, S1P1a, S2E1b, 2-LS4-1


Grades 3-5

Grades 3-5

Georgia Waters

Geography plays an important role in watershed locations and how water flows through them. In Georgia, water travels down the Blue Ridge Mountains all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Students will explore the flow of water through the state and the importance of each geographical region. Students will be asked to identify the location of native plants and animals’ location in each region.

Standards: S3L1a, S4E3b, S5E1a, 2-ESS2-2

Disturbing Dynamics

Native species are vital to our maintaining local environments, but what happens when invasive species are introduced? Food webs can be altered, local flora and fauna can become extinct or new species could thrive. Students will identify the different effects that native and invasive species could cause on the environment, as well as observe how energy moves through an ecosystem.

Standards: S3L1, S4L1, S5L1, 3-LS2-1

Grades 6-8

Grades 6-8

Evolving Ecosystems

Ecosystem characteristics are in a constant state of change due to natural causes and human impacts. How well can these ever-changing ecosystems be identified? Students will play a jeopardy game to recognize food chains and physical descriptors of different aquatic ecosystems.

Standards: S6E3a, S7L4d, S8P2c, MS-LS2-3

Benthic Basics

Seafloor topography includes mountain ranges, valleys, ridges and volcanoes just like terrestrial topography. Many animals called benthic organisms make the seafloor their home, regardless of depth. Students will analyze ocean topography while discussing benthic animal movement and hunting techniques.

Standards: S6E3c, S7L2c, S8P2d, MS-PS3-5

Grades 9-12

Grades 9-12

Invasive Georgia

Humans are altering landscapes, ecosystems and global patterns, from climate change to introduction of non-native species and much more. Non-native plants and animals can often be introduced to a new area accidently and can take root to become an invasive species, which negatively impacts the environment. Students will identify invasive species in Georgia and understand what makes certain individual species able to invade so easily.

Standards: SB5b, SB5e, HS-LS2-6

Ocean pHenomenon

The ocean ecosystem has existed for millions and millions of years, but it is currently in danger. One of the biggest threats to the ocean is climate change, which causes ocean acidification. Students will break down the chemical reaction for ocean acidification and observe a demonstration to show how acids and bases interact.

Standards: SC6f, SC6h, HS-PS1-2


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