12 inches (30.5 cm) -
Insects, snails, planktonic insect larvae -
North America -
Rocky and sandy pools of creeks, small to medium rivers
Physical Characteristics
- The redbreast sunfish can reach lengths of 12 inches (30.5 cm) and weights of 1.8 lbs. (0.8 kg).
- Dark olive dorsally with yellow flecks; rows of red-brown to orange spots are displayed on the upper sides.
- The male has a bright orange breast and belly as well as orange fins when spawning.
Animal Fact
The male redbreast sunfish guards the eggs and young.
Diet / Feeding
- Feeds on insects and snails, as well as planktonic insect larvae.
Range / Habitat
- Occurs in eastern rivers in the U. S. and Canada, including the Gulf of Mexico drainage.
- This species is found in rocky and sandy pools of creeks and small to medium rivers. They also inhabit the rocky and vegetated margins of lakes.
Reproduction & Growth
- Females lay about 1,000 eggs in a depression nest created by the males. Males also guard the eggs and young.
Conservation Status
- “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List.
- www.fishbase.org
- Freshwater Fishes – Peterson Field Guides. Page, L. M. and Burr, B. M., pg. 272